The Red, White and Blue...

Scott LoBaido is an artist on a mission - and it may be the approaching July 4th holiday or perhaps our company's red, white and blue corporate name that has us connecting to this patriotic pop art, but let's take a moment to enjoy the thought of the larger than life American flag that Mr. LoBaido is creating. His ambitious project to paint the largest American flag in the world is enchanting. He began on - you guessed it - Flag Day and his goal is to complete this huge flag by Independence Day. You can follow his progress live at his website and you can also view his Flags Across America project for a glimpse at his 2006 creations of 50 flags on 50 rooftops in 50 states. The image above is from - if Scott can take this on, surely we homeowners can tackle some of our smaller painting projects? Ready, set - paint! Good luck Scott.


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