Old Hollywood on the 2011 Red Carpet
Old Hollywood was certainly represented on Hollywood's big night - the Oscars definitely delivered fashion-wise. Fashion forward meant a vintage look with a bit of edge for many leading ladies. The stage design was dynamic and dimensional and yet the images of past hosts and Oscar nights, including a unique projection of Bob Hope, were totally at home and at peace with the stage design. Look at Anne Hathaway's red dress, red lips - even a red tone to her normally darker hair. It's nice to see fashion that's red carpet ready and a Hollywood that looks forward with a nod to classic fashion and glamour.
I loved all of Hathaway's dresses - they were amazing. Its always interesting to see how some of these gown stretch the line between fabric and pure art. I would say my standout favorites were Natalie Portman (great earrings) Reese Witherspoon (love the hair!) and Hailee Steinfeld (so perfectly adorable).