Happy New (School) Year!

School Books

We all know it's coming - and for some of us, it's already here: the new school year. We know that no one is gathering in Times Square for a countdown, though a few parents may be planning celebrations.

The new school year is an exciting time for families and educators but, for many children and adults there is a level of anxiety that accompanies the start of anything new. School is about academic and personal growth so, just like with the calendar's traditional new year, it's time to take stock, prepare for the change, and celebrate the moment.

In terms of design, it's time to make sure you have a plan for success. In our family, our new school year means gathering school supplies to be sent in to the classroom. It also means reorganizing our work spaces so they are chock full of sharpened pencils and clear of clutter. We label each bin in a stacking storage area to reflect what belongs inside that bin.

We reorganize our pantry so quick breakfast items and school snacks are within reach. It's also a time to freshen up areas of the house to make sure there's a landing spot for backpacks, jackets and shoes once the busy school year is under way.

Designing your space to fit your changing life can give you a great start to your school day. Happy New Year!


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