Valentines For Our Troops - Event Wrap Up!

It's a wrap:  I'm just leaving the event and I am so thrilled with all that Valentines For Our Troops was as an an event and what it means to my field.

Joe Franklin was charmingly funny!  We are so delighted and proud to be a cosponsor of this event.  All of this fundraising goes to create an awareness of the Interior Design profession - this helps to protect the consumer and showcases what we do as professionals.

Steelcase is a fabulous venue and was an excellent spot to have the event featured.  American & International Designs, Inc. is proud to a be a partner with organizations such as Bloomberg News, another sponsor of this event.

You could really feel the love tonight - so fun to be with like-minded professionals and have a night out that will send some love through the USO to our trooops. 


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