Positively Presidential: Kittinger Furniture

A client who just purchased a large estate home asked me to give him the name of a company that makes the finest library furniture.  He is interested in a conference table.

I said that the gold standard is Kittinger. If it is good enough for the White House, I told him with a twinkle in my eye, it's good enough for you.  He chuckled and agreed.

More than 25 years ago, another client purchased Kittinger piece.  It was a $50,000 large round dining room table with inlays. My client purchased it because when we toured the showroom in Manhattan, the salesperson mentioned that this table was in the White House. That's clinched the deal.

That client, a consummate entertainer, said it was a great conversation starter. When we delivered the table to her home, Kittinger sent a Polaroid photo of the same table in the White House.  She framed the photo.

I still remember how the table leaves were delivered in a decorative, velvet lined box.  Needless to say we were all quite impressed - and 25 years later, she tells me that the table is still a treasured piece that people ask to see even when a visit to her home doesn't involve a formal meal. 


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